sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

A Voz que vem com a Música

What you see, are not just your eyes, what feel are real it's not an ilusion, the life cruel and the winds will cut your body until you understand the reason that that you here in this world of darkness... The will, the destiny are inside of your soul and have a few things that can not runaway. You must put your againist the life that comes, and the world will change for you. But this my brother you must to pay the price!! Give to us, your heart that blows with the fire of tomorow... Will be a hard way I know. But that is the only way keep going on... Nothing more will make sense and your history will be losed in sands of time. BUT THE SUN WILL COMES FOR YOU ONCE AGAIN, because the sorrow have an end like everything in this life, the choises are all your. I give the power to change in your hands. So follow the winds and discovery your roads...

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